A brilliant novel in the works - Part Two
Back in August I posted about the release of Yuvi Zalkow's novel, A brilliant novel in the works. I was so excited that someone in my writing world had a book coming out. I went to the book launch at Powell's (and this was one of the BEST readings I've ever gone too), I bought Yuvi's book, he signed his book for me ("I miss hanging out! More dinners! I want to see more of your fabulous writing!"). And then I put the book on my nightstand. I looked at it often, picked it up and looked at the cool cover.
A month or so ago, a mutual friend asked me if I'd read it. I said no, I hadn't. Because I was worried I would have hard a time separating the Yuvi I knew from the Yuvi in the book. Because I was afraid I wouldn't like the book (even though I've LONG been a fan of Yuvi's writing). Well, I"m having dinner with Yuvi this week. And I've finished his book. I had no reason to be afraid.
A brilliant novel in the works is a brilliant shining novel. I laughed, I smiled, I cried. I re-read beautiful sentences. I cared about all the people in the book. I shook my head in amazement at how the story looped back on itself in a crazy way I'm still trying to figure out. I love this book. And, unless you're uncomfortable with pantlessness and a bit of kinkiness, I think you will too.