Childless and Childfree Resources
I hear a lot these days about the downside of technology and the problems with being constantly connected. But, when it comes to struggling with a problem, I find that the internet is filled with resources. Yes, you have to search with a discerning eye to get factual information and find what fits you. If you are dealing with medical or mental health issues, as well as most other things, you need to look carefully at the source of the information. But in terms of finding people with shared experiences, the resources available may help you feel less alone and may even lead you to someone near you with whom to have a face-to-face conversation.
When I was going through the most intense struggle of being childless by circumstance, or even at the times when I was celebrating being childfree, the internet was fledgling. I couldn't google “childless” and find a website or support group. There were very few books on the topic. There was no social media, no YouTube. I did not know I was not alone in the ebb and flow of my struggle. The times where I longed for a child, the times of where I celebrated my child freedom were things I carried alone, because almost all the women around me had children, that times when I heard comments that hurt.
But the conversation has opened up, there are books, websites, webinars, Facebook groups, Instagram accounts, Meetups, and YouTube channels offering support and information for people who are childless by infertility, childless by circumstance, or childfree by choice. Here is a list to a few of those resources online. Many of these sites that have compiled a more exhaustive list the includes blogs, podcasts, and books.
Childfree Girls - Blog, website, YouTube channel and more. Join this lively and smart conversation.
Wife Without Kids - YouTube channel with great conversation about living the childfree choice.
Gateway Women - Jody Day founded this worldwide community of support for people who are childless not-by-choice).
The NotMom — Offering a great list of resources.
World Childless Week — This week of recognition and support happens each year but the site has information year round.
The Savvy Auntie - Just for fun because I think aunts who don’t have kids of their own are super fun aunts.
Go for it, do an online search of childfree or childlessness. Reach out. You are not alone.